Page name: Castle of Darkness & Destruction [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-09-17 01:21:41
Last author: de Morte
Owner: de Morte
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Castle of Darkness and Destruction 


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Special thanks to [Nazarath.93] for this banner!

Welcome dearest friends and darkest foes, you have stumbled into my castle.
Don't be afraid there are only vengeful ghosts and hidden passages.
If you stray then there will be no way to find you.
Inside this castle you can not orb to any place... or for that sake you can not orb on these grounds only I may orb,and that is because my family cast the spell in our family blood.
I, [de Morte], am the mistress of this place and have been for hundreds of years, only I know the many secrets of this place.
Now enter and rest (leads you in to the grand hall) stay as long as you wish, and please, do not kill the servants, humans rarely come to my home, you may drink their blood though.

Once you enter my house hold there are only a few rules;
1 No killing of the servants
2 Do not get lost (I will not look for you)
3 Please refrain from damaging the furniture, if there is a fight though, this can not be helped
4 No cybering although sexual references are allowed
5 Spell locked rooms are to be kept closed and will result in injury or death of you part.

New Members!
Please go to Castle of Darkness & Destruction Points

Point System</b>
For many services done and jobs finished I will award you points. I will list you points and name on a different page
Castle of Darkness & Destruction Points
when you reach 50 points then I will post a comment on you new rank.

Note there is no limit to the ranks as of this moment, but if I need to, then there will be a limit


We now have a sister Wiki †vampires†!!!

A Little Description...
Well if you would like a quick tour... I haven't finished this page so I will give you a very general layout. There are 5 floors in the main building and a tower thats roughly 10 stories, its very calming (although the servants aren't allowed up there, they might jump)Please don't mind if there is a bit of a mess there if you decide to go.

^West hall- Torture rooms and the dungeons
^North hall- Workout rooms
^East hall- Feeding chambers

First floor;
^Main entrance
^Grand Hall (North)
^East Wing- Guest rooms
^West Wing- Servant quarters

Second floor;
^East Wing- Library
^West Wing- offices & study rooms

Third floor;
^Family bedrooms
^Locked doors

Fourth floor;
^Locked doors
^Magic rooms
^Spell rooms

Fifth floor;
^Locked doors
^Storage rooms

^Graveyard is behind the castle to the east
^In the basement(east) there is A particularly strong ghost
^The stables are in the front west of the castle
^There are many groves and woods surrounding the castle grounds.
^The Castle is on a higher level than most of the rest of the surrounding land.
^There are three villages around the castle
   ~Talon is the closest at six miles to the south
   ~Arrowwood is the next closest at fourteen miles east
   ~Solenthine is fifteen miles to the southwest;vid=47133658

I, among a few others, have noticed that this wiki is getting nowhere.
So now I decided that every week or so (however long it takes) there will be tasks to complete. Whoever wins these tasks (there may be multiple winners) will get points and their ranks may go up!

Missing: </b>

Username (or number or email):


[Nazarath.93]: *laughs* Very nice angel *sword turns into blood again* that is far more creative than my power, but i feel like the only vampire who can do that. Strange, but then again i am alot older than many vampires.

[LastDecember]: Hmm...i have many powers...each correspnding to the color of my wings. I have healing powers (white), water (ice blue), creative powers <meaning i can create whatever i want out of nothing) (light rose), black magic (black), fire powers that can get so hot they rival the heat of the sun ( dark crimson), and i have psychic powers (dark violet.) 

[LastDecember]: so you see....i am quite powerful...and nothing can kill me. I have no weaknesses...even if you cut me to pieces my healing powers will automatically piece me back together. That has fritghened a few of my enemies...

[Nazarath.93]: *insanely wicked laughter* another immortal, that can only be destroyed through being completly burnt up. So many vampires claim to have that power but ive never met one that has told the truth.

[Tainted_blood]: heehee I like fire ... its fun ...but im not allowed to play with it anymore *makes a fire ball in hand* but see im safe with it ... untill ... I look into the flames... then ARG *evil grin... throws fireball at LastDecember but catches it* oops ... see I guess theyre right ... heehee

[Nazarath.93]: *phychotic laughter then snaps fingers and catches fire then burns to a skeleton and soon starts to reform* see *reforms* im not responsible with it either.

[Tainted_blood]: heehee yay another person... we should sooo totally do this more often haha

[Nazarath.93]: hehe, aye we should, much more often.

[LastDecember]: pretty good. But I am sure my fire powers extend past yours....

[Nazarath.93]: *laughs* whos, mine or hers?

[LastDecember]: probably the both of you. i wouldn't be surprised if it is more ppowerful than both of your powers combined. before i was flung out of heaven...i was known as the most powerful and lovely creature ever made by God...

[Tainted_blood]: ah well maybe made by god... but not by satan ... that would be me! and come on satan is so more powerfull when it comes to fire so beleive me ... I think mine are more extensive heehee ... God isnt all hes cracked up to be

[Nazarath.93]: *laughs devilishly* i think i hear a fight brewing, oh well ive been itching for one. I hope that the three of us can test our powers against each other. what say you?

[de Morte]: *smiles at everyone* well if you do fight then remember to keep the room intact as much as possible....

[Nazarath.93]: oh sister you must know that when the fight involvoes me you should say keep the whole castle intact as much as possible. *laughs*

[Tainted_blood]: ah Im not quite in the mood for a fight today ... but maybe another time *evil smile* but Im irratable right now so Ill just leave the room *walks slowly to another room*

[LastDecember]: hmm....satan was made by god dont you remmeber? in fact...before he was thrown out...i was quite good friends with him and we would test one anothers was always a close match but i always won in the end. He took it in stride too and never complained and just said i was a very good opponent.

[Nazarath.93]: lol. gods special little creature.

[Nazarath.93]: hehe, i have something for gods special little creature go to my page and look at the bottom...*laughs* special little creature.

[Tainted_blood]: *ends up back with everyone* ... dammit ... I walked in one direction this whole time ... how did I end up back here....*sits down in corner looking confused*

[LastDecember]: i must say very amusing. im not his special little creature anymore remmember? i broke the rules by stealing this sword...but it doesn't matter to me that I was thrown out. There is in fact a war starting in I'd rather not be there anyway...

[Nazarath.93]: cant even trust angels can you? damn though i was rather hoping to test combat with someone, how dull this place can be without a fight brewing.

[Tainted_blood]: I would fight but ... so not in the mood ... and ... heehee u were created by god... *snicker*

[Nazarath.93]: sadly u believe that? why would you, i am not a creature of god, but a creature of the night.

[Tainted_blood]: ah yes ... creature of the night .... gotta love this life heehee *disapears into the shadows*

[Nazarath.93]: hahaha if you could call it life.

[Tainted_blood]: *appears behind Prince Nazarath* Yeah Id call it life ... We're all here arent we ... so I could count it as life

[Nazarath.93]: hahaha. (has no heartbeat or body heat)

[Tainted_blood]: I Think if this is considered as life... its the best life in the world heehee not many ways to die :P:D if someone stabs us ... its just really fun heehee

[LastDecember]: hmm well...Lucifer is a child of technically you are too

[LastDecember]: i know how weird that might sound but its true

[LastDecember]: well actually maybe grandchildren heh heh

[de Morte]: i was created from shadows and death. pain and suffering, neither had a hand in my making, i was a mistake and they couldn't stop me, i am my own...

[LastDecember]: ~notices that the sapphire orb on her staff is glowing~ shit...thats not a good sign ~_~

[Tainted_blood]: *thinks to self* I dont like this lastdecember character ... *Gets all exited* ... not a good sign? that means something bad will happen... I like bad things... WEEEEEE!!!!!

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: *falls from roof * YEAH!!!!! BAD THINGS!!!!!!!!!! um... hi peeps... whats for dinner im thirsty?! ooh BLOOD!!! *gargle*

[Nazarath.93]: hahahaha, my twin is here, now its gonna be fun. hello neferoth.

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: oh today is dark and gloomy.... just how i like it!

[Tainted_blood]: I love dark and gloomy *glass of blood appears in hand* mmm *sits in corner* eeheeheeheehee

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: mine!!!! *spazez at seeing the blood and un-sheeths the masamune* oops.. umm sorry bout that..... i like blood...

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: *re-sheeths masamune*

[de Morte]: *walks over to neferoth and hands him a glass of blood*

[LastDecember]: ~tightens grip on staff as she stares out the window at the cloudly sky~ cant they just go away for once....excuse me...~flies out window sending a gust of air back into the room~

[LastDecember]: ~flashes of light happen in the sky and suddenly many flying beings appear~

[LastDecember]: ~suddenly a raging fire engulfs the whole group of flying beings and the flaming bodies hurl to the ground~

[Tainted_blood]: :O ... YOU KILLED BOB ... now i officially hate u ... and ... omg ... JOE!!!! NOOOOOOO .... *death glare* ... *thinks to self* if only looks could kill

[de Morte]: a little note you do have ranks in power...

[LastDecember]: whos bob? ~grumbles about the angels trying to kill me~ bob is an angel? o_o cause i was only destroying angels

[LastDecember]: eh oh well...more people who hate me wonderful....ill just wander off then...~goes to find somewhere quiet~

[Tainted_blood]: yes bob was an angel ... but he was undercover... and so was joe ... ok thats it ... im watching you now *twitch twitch*

[LastDecember]: cool....go ahead and watch as much as you would i know if there were undercover angels in the group that was after that would matter to you...theres alot you dont even know about nevermind...your not gonna listen....~goes into her room and closes the door~

[Tainted_blood]: stop goin off into some weird world of ur own We all live here together so forget ur old life ... like anyone here would let a residence of this house get hurt by any outsiders ... unless it was to our own benifit *eyes flash red and a bat flies down* come now my pet we'll go to our room and we can kill some rats *goes off to room*

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: eh... what time is it? im bord, *sips blood* mmm tasty.. yah, um *yawn* so nazarath u wana do somthing, i fell like killing somthing...

[LastDecember]: ~walks back out in a black kimono with red roses on it~ hello again...need company?

[Nazarath.93]: *shrugs* i know a nice village in flying distance, filled with lots of pretty girls just perfect for killing *turns to hundreds of bats and flys toward village*

[Crimson Mistress]: *walks alone among the shadows in said village. It was a lonely street, and she found the solitude refreshing. Her clear blue eyes were clouded with memories and she shuddered unconsciously*

[Tainted_blood]: *looks out window* what theyre leaving without me ... alright *spreads wings and flies after prince nazarath* pfft not telling me ... fine then!

[Crimson Mistress]: *wraps her arms around herself and shivers, chiding herself for not bringing a cloak to ward off the cool nip of the night air.*

[Tainted_blood]: *spots Crimson Mistress and sniffs the air*.. mmm this one smells delicious *lands on a rooftop near where Crimson is walking and eyes turn completely black*

[Crimson Mistress]: *her idle footsteps lead her to a withered black tree at the base of the building on which [Tainted_blood] had landed. There she paused and frowned. Had she heard something from above?*

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: *walks up to nazarath quietly* mmm... where to start? *unsheaths masamune* there so pretty.... oh well

[Crimson Mistress]: *shaking her head slowly, she leans back against the tree's rough bark and lifts her face to the overcast night sky*

[Nazarath.93]: *telepathicly to neferoth: damn it try to keep quit, im looking for prey not scaring it, i think i might see a target*

[Nazarath.93]: *appears behind [Crimson Mistress] and says casually* Cold night isnt it?

[Tainted_blood]: *thinks to self*... that bastard stole my catch *wings retract and jumps down into tree and starts to growl*

[Crimson Mistress]: *spins around to face [Nazarath.93], her hands dropping to her sides* Yeah, winter's coming. *she answers cautiously, glancing around and wondering how he had gotten so close without her knowing*

[Crimson Mistress]: *looks up and her eyes search the treetop* What was that?! *she could swear that she heard growling*

[Tainted_blood]: *puts thoughts into her head* Yeah u hear growling but are u imagining it all or is it really death waiting to attack

[Crimson Mistress]: *her clear blue eyes widen and she lifts her hands to her head, her fingertips lightly brushing her temples. Her body tensed and she shook her head. Shit.. she thought, still managing to be cynical, voices in my head... a wonderful end to a wonderful day.*

[Tainted_blood]: *sends more thoughts* the voices would stop if u just climbed the tree to find out where theyre coming from

[Crimson Mistress]: *grows still and tilts her head back more fully in an attempt to see what was above her. Should she listen to the voices? She laughed at the arcane absurdity of it all* Shut up *she decided to answer, not really caring if the man who had just approached her thought she was crazy*

[Tainted_blood]: *contemplates just jumping her in the darkness once that theif Nazarath turns his back*

[Nazarath.93]: hehe, dont fear me i am not crazy. but you mustnt wander out so late, there are bad people about.

[Crimson Mistress]: *looks back over to [Nazarath.93] and a faint smile finds her lips* I'm beginning to think that I'm the crazy one. *her posture relaxes somewhat and she tilts her head subtly to one side* Then what brings you out so late, sir?

[Nazarath.93]: The night i must say, but i can tell that that is not why your out in the glorious darkness. You must know there are people out here who seek for a victem much like yourself. So why are you out under the moonlight?

[Crimson Mistress]: *shrugs, keeping her back to the tree* Much the same reason as yourself. The later hours of the night are often the only peace that I can find. *the hand that had been touching her temples moved to push her black hair out of her eyes, then moved behind her to brace herself casually against the tree's bark*

[Nazarath.93]: I can easily relate to that. Day life can be frustrating, and the night is very soothing. *Telepathicaly to angel,"Touch her and you will eternally regret it"* So whats your name? if i may ask.

[Crimson Mistress]: You may ask, *she answers, half tempted not to offer her name. Yet something about his easy demear changed her mind* My name's Lyra.. yours? *Her blue eyes watched him carefuly, yet subtly, incase he made a move that she didn't like*

[Nazarath.93]: *giggles slightly* no need for the suspicion and the uneasy eyes, i have no intention of hurting you Lyra. My name is Prince Nazarath Matthew Groves the second *bows and kisses your hand* I am honored to meet you.

[Crimson Mistress]: *smiles slightly* I've heard that too many times, hun. *looks a little surprised as [Nazarath.93] kisses her hand, a flush creeping across her cheeks. She inclines her head* It is nice to make your acquaintance as well, Prince Nazarath Matthew Groves. *her lips quirk, amused by the length of his title*

[Nazarath.93]: You may just call me Nazarath, or Matthew. A surprised look, i wonder why, have i angered you?

[Crimson Mistress]: I like Nazarath, it's... original. *she retrieved her hand, then shook her head slightly* You did not anger me. Though you did take me by surprise, I cannot say it was an unpleasant surprise. I don't normaly meet people with such good manners so late at night. *the smile that now graced her lips was as close to a genuine smile as she would offer*

[Nazarath.93]: thank you, i see no harm in showing politness. I was wondering would you like to go dine with me? i would be most happy to get you something to eat if you are hungry.

[Crimson Mistress]: *hesitates a moment, a shadow of a frown crossing her features. Then she nods* I'm not particularly hungry, *she lies* but since you have so kindly extended the invitation.. *she steps towards [Nazarath.93], moving away from the withered tree*

[Nazarath.93]: if you would like to, i will go wherever you would like, and forgive my impulsivness.

[Crimson Mistress]: Concider it forgiven, *halts her footsteps as she draws nearer to him* I'll admit to being somewhat new around here... *that statement didn't sit well with her* do you know any good places?

[Nazarath.93]: many i might say, but depends on what you hunger for.

[Crimson Mistress]: Then do say, I'm not picky.

[Nazarath.93]: I would invite you to my current home and have the servents make something, however i do not think you would accept that offer. But i also do not know if you would prefer something newer, such as a diner, or if you would like something a little classical, like a large restaraunt.

[Crimson Mistress]: You're right, I wouldn't have accepted the offer. I'd be more taken with a classical restaurant, personaly. *she smiles inwardly*

[Nazarath.93]: Then come, i know the perfect place. *walks to a large castle-like restaurant, and waves at the doorman who directs us to a table, and sits*

[Crimson Mistress]: *takes a seat across from him, glancing around herself and smiling approvingly. She could never have afforded eating at a place like this normaly* You're right, it's a nice place. I've never been by here before. *crosses her legs *

[Nazarath.93]: Order as you see fit to your appetite, do not be modest. And you must excuse me as i will not be dining, as i already have.

[Crimson Mistress]: *scans the menu and orders when the waiter approaches:* I’ll have the chicken breast with the garden salad, please, *recalling how cold she is, she adds* and some coffee. *when the waiter had taken her menu and gone, she glances back over at [Nazarath.93]* You’ve already eaten? Well… in that case, thank you. *she smiles gratefully*

[Nazarath.93]: not at all i was happy to.

[Crimson Mistress]: *nods her head and looks down at her hands, which she rests on the table top. Her fingertips idly trace the patterns thereon as she waits for the waiter to return.*

[Tainted_blood]: *talking to self* pfft makin me sit in that tree watching mazarath treat that peice of meat so good ... I saw her first and Im hungry for some GooD meat for once not the drunken bums wandering around now ... ah but what is this ... he looks young .. yes and sober too I think ill feed on him *attackes young man and drinks him dry* wow not a drop spilled mmm that was good

[Nazarath.93]: *telepathicaly to angel "you know, "meat" is better when you get to know it. Plus i might not also have an intention of killing her"*

[Nazarath.93]: *waiter returns with food*

[Tainted_blood]: *telepathicaly to Nazarath* not killing something like that ... u r no man! Shed be perfect to kill ... or to change eh? eh? haha that could get interessting eh

[Crimson Mistress]: *thanks the waiter and begins to pick at her food, slightly uncomfortable about him watching her eat but hungry enough not to complain* *after half of her plate is emptied, she moves her attention from the food to the man sitting across from her*

[Nazarath.93]: *telepathically " true i am no man, but only humans and foolish vampires would make such a comparrason as to call a vampire a 'man' however if you wish to take her from me you are most welcome to try, although i cant promise youll walk away with fangs"* so Lyra, i cant think of a conversation, why dont you try so we dont have to be bored this whole meal?

[LastDecember]: ~walks around the corner~ oh....hello

[Crimson Mistress]: *Lyra looked back down at her meal, her lips quirking slightly* I never was one for niceties to be honest. *looks up again* You could start by telling me about yourself.

[Tainted_blood]: *walks town bord yet does not want to go back to the house because it got much too boring there*

[Nazarath.93]: i would but, you may have to stay here for the next 800 years to hear it all. *laughs*

[LastDecember]: ~walks up to them~ hi..

[Crimson Mistress]: *arches an eyebrow skepticaly* 800 years?

[Nazarath.93]: yes its a long story, 800 years is just a....way of putting it.

[Crimson Mistress]: *nods her head and accepts his answer* So you're from here? *she finishes off her dinner and sets down her fork, happily full*

[Tainted_blood]: *telepathicaly to lastdecember " I think theyre ignoring you! haha"*

[Crimson Mistress]: *looks up and see's someone who had approached them* Hey?

[Nazarath.93]: *smirks* hello. But no im not from here.

[LastDecember]: ~ties up her silver hair and sits down on the ground, just listening~

[Crimson Mistress]: *watches [LastDecember] curiously/uncomfortably out of the corner of her eye* Someone you know?

[Nazarath.93]: slightly. *calls for a chair for [LastDecember], and wonders why she is here*

[Crimson Mistress]: *smiles slightly* I see.

[Crimson Mistress]: *rises to her feet and begins to look through her pockets for money, knowing that she probably wouldn't find any* Thank you for the meal, Nazarath. *she offers a fleeting smile, then begins to move away*

[Tainted_blood]: ... must resist temptation to attack... I can do it I know I can ... *telepathically to lastdecember "when she leaves that building plz come here and hold me back" ... looks ashamed*

[Nazarath.93]: your welcome. *pays*

[Crimson Mistress]: *twinges* I appreciate that you've fed me, sir, but I don't generaly accept charity.

[LastDecember]: ~sits there, looking out at the rain sky~

[Nazarath.93]: i respect that.

[Crimson Mistress]: *she looks down at her hands and spreads her empty fingers* How can I repay you then?

[LastDecember]: ~still looking outside~ your probably wont have to repay him...

[Crimson Mistress]: *bites her lip and looks over at [LastDecember]* I'm used to praying on suckers, but it's rare that someone actually goes out of their way to help me out. *shrugs*

[Nazarath.93]: well lastdecember is right you wont have to repay me at all.

[Tainted_blood]: Im bord *pulls Ipod out of pocket and sings * black toungues speak faster than a car can crash *etc.*

[Crimson Mistress]: *inclines her head and forces a smile* Then know that I'll remember the gesture when and if we meet again. *exits the restaurant and allows a frown to cross her features*

[LastDecember]: ~fingers her sword's hilt while still looking outside~ very interesting..

[Nazarath.93]: *appears behind lastdecember* Yes very. I have a feeling me and her will meet again.

[Crimson Mistress]: *when she feels that she is alone, she begins to hum softly to herself, a slow but genuin smile brightening her face as she lifted it the starlit sky* I remember this place *she whispers*

[Tainted_blood]: *thinks to self* luckly this week I gained a little extra self-restraint... although... no! bad me ... naughty ...:D I love me !!! but NO!*is seen by several bypassers hitting self*

[LastDecember]: you probably will ~glances behind her~

[Nazarath.93]: *turns into bats and flys away*

[Crimson Mistress]: *finds the place that she had left when [Nazarath.93] had approached her. Glancing quickly around herself to make sure that she was alone, before she knelt before the withered tree's trunk. Her slender fingertips pushed dirt and brush aside as she dug carelessly into the loose earth.*

[Tainted_blood]: *thinks* maybe I should just keep an eye on her ... I didnt much like her ... but ill try not to hurt her ... *apears in tree above crimson*

[Crimson Mistress]: *hears the shuffle of leaves above herself and looks up suspiciously, but when her mortal eyes could distinguish nothing, she returned to what she was doing. When she leaned away from the treetrunk, there was a large and ornate dark metal ring her hand. It was heavier than she remembered, but she closed her slender fingers about it and rose to her feet, carelessly shoving the dirt back into place with her booted foot*

[LastDecember]: ~walks outside casualy pusing a few silver strands of hair behind her ear. the sword clinks as she walks along and sees [Crimson Mistress] getting off the ground near a tree~

[Crimson Mistress]: *hears the sound of [LastDecember]'s sword and glances over her shoulder, her clear blue eyes regestering recognition. She offered a slight smile, then walked past [LastDecember] out onto the cobbled street and towards the forest that bordered the small town*

[Tainted_blood]: *drops down from tree now that Crimson is gone and walks to lastdecember*...Odd one that one is ... got secrets...

[Crimson Mistress]: *breaks into a jog when she is out of sight of the well lit midnight streets, dissappearing into the shadows of the wood*

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: *telapathicly to nazarath almost to self* so.... what to do now?.. hmm.. meet me at th pond

[Crimson Mistress]: *blinks, suddenly greeted by complete darkness as the canopy closed in above her, forcing her footsteps to slow as she wandered blindly through the woods*

[LastDecember]: hmm i guess she is...~sits down near the tree and picks at the grass~

[Tainted_blood]: theres something about her i just dont like ... its weird *sits next to lastdecember*

[Nazarath.93]: *appears in front of crimson as she almost reaches the pond* cold isnt it?

[Crimson Mistress]: *gasps softly and stops dead, looking around herself and seeing only the vague outline of [Nazarath.93]* Yes... it is *she says uncertainly* Nazarath? How'd you .. *find me..., she thought*

[LastDecember]: hmm....i dont know what it is...

[Tainted_blood]: there has to be a way to find out ...

[Nazarath.93]: i can find whomever i please. but remember what i said about bad people. now look your running into the woods. just be cautious.

[Crimson Mistress]: Barring people randomly appearing, I think I can handle myself, thanks. *her grip on the ring in her hand tightened as she strained to see in the dark* Why are you following me?

[Nazarath.93]: i follow whomever walks in the night. And i those who sleep are but those who put up no fight. Is that ring magical?

[Crimson Mistress]: *her blue eyes darken as she frowns, pulling back a step and slipping the ring into her pocket.* What are you talking about? *she said dismissivly, but fear tainted her voice.*

[LastDecember]: ~flits up the branch and stares up~ maybe there is....

[Nazarath.93]: *second nazarath appears behind crimson* forget it. *hisses and sticks tounge down below chin, as world turns into black nothing with tousands of my eyes watching everybody*

[Tainted_blood]: *sits next to lastdecember* do go on...

[Crimson Mistress]: *twists around and bites her lip to force herself not to cry out. She closes her eyes tightly, trembling* What the... *she holds her head* Nazarath?! What's going on!?

[Nazarath.93]: *thousands of walking shadows begin to appear and marching toward to crimson* YOUR NOT AFRAID OF THE DARK ARE YOU?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *appears over 30 feet tall in front of chrimson with a body made of shadows*

[LastDecember]: hmm you hear that? something is going on...wanna go check it out

[Tainted_blood]: shyeah *runs in direction of noise*

[Crimson Mistress]: *has her eyes tightly closed, so sees nothing of this, but as Nazarath speaks, her eyes flash open. Her breath catches in her lungs and her whole body is frozen, fear chilling her blood and making her momentarily unable to move. Slowly, she forces herself to lift her eyes, which were unusually bright, to Nazarath’s face, 30 feet above her. I’m finally going insane, she thought ruefully, not allowing herself to look directly at the shadows that were surrounding her.*

[Nazarath.93]: *bends downs and slowly lowers self to crimson's neck and draws fangs*

[Crimson Mistress]: What the Hell!?! *pulls away forcefuly, casting her gaze sharply to the ground and taking off at a sprint, dodging desperately between the shadow beings that surrounded her, and keeping her eyes fixed on her feet as she stumbled through the dark. Her breathing came in ragged gasps and her long black hair had come lose; it played across her shoulders and fell in to frame her pale face.*

[Neferoth, the lethargic stigmata]: *appears in front of crimson as she bumps into me, smiles emotionlesly* going some where? *face takes the shape of a clown* WAHhahahahahaha! having fun?!!

[Tainted_blood]: *runs in on all this* ... You have all this fun and u didnt invite me?... thanks, love you too ... i think ill watch this one *becomes invisible* heehee^.^

[Crimson Mistress]: *looks up angrily,* Shit, who the.. *she sees his face and she stifles a scream, hastily stumbling back a step. She loses her balance and braces herself against a tree that she could barely see, shivering.* What the hell are you people?!

[LastDecember]: ~appears up in the tree looking down~

[Tainted_blood]: ooo this is starting to get fun ... hmm ... to appear or not to appear ... maybe later :D:D

[Nazarath.93]: *screams so loudly everybody except me and crimson are pushed down* AWAY FROM HER!!!!!! SHE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[LastDecember]: thats obvious. i wouldnt touch her anyway....~just watches~

[Crimson Mistress]: *cringes and turns her face away as his scream washes over them, her shivers developing into uncontrollable shudders that had nothing to do with how cold it was. His words, however, struck a chord. Anger flared into her mortally bright blue eyes.* I am not yours, *she shouts back rashly* I have no idea who or WHAT you are but leave me the hell alone, or I swear to God.. *her voice trails off*

[Tainted_blood]: I never said she wasnt yours ^.^ *comes close again* unless u want to share ... then invite me in:D I need a little bit of fun!

[Crimson Mistress]: [occ: It's so odd not being the vamp O.o]

[LastDecember]: ~flaps her wings a bit~ dear im no vampire thats why im not touching you but this is fun to watch...

[Crimson Mistress]: [occ: occ = out of character] *glances sharply over at [LastDecember], arching an eyebrow with cynical disbelief.* Vampire? *starts moving subtly away from all of them, ready to run for it*

[Nazarath.93]: *eyes glow a sickly dark red color* you swear to god? *laughs devilishly* god is not here today mortal!

[Tainted_blood]: *watches from the shadow, invisible* this is getting interessting...:D

[LastDecember]: ~smiles slightly as she watches the show~

[Crimson Mistress]: *her eyes return to focus on [Nazarath.93], a look of terrified disgust crossing her features* How would you know where God is? *she asks coldly, her voice surprisingly even*

[Nazarath.93]: Then i want you to pray that he stops me from biting you. i want lightning to come down and smite me! PRAY TO HIM THAT HE SAVES YOU!

[Crimson Mistress]: He won't save me. *she says simply, her cold blue eyes not leaving [Nazarath.93], and her terror not leaving her eyes*

[Tainted_blood]: *to self* oh how pitiful... *thinks* Doesnt she realise how much danger shes in? ... Jesus.. haha pun

[Crimson Mistress]: *Setting her mind, she pushes herself away from the tree* I hope you don't think me rude, sir, but I have places to be. I don't know what you think you are, but leave me alone. *she takes three steady steps away from Nazarath, then bolts through the trees at a breakneck speed.*

[Tainted_blood]: *sticks out foot and trips Crimson* You arent going anywhere, Cant you see the mans not done with you *Picks her up by the shirt remembering about invisibleness and becomes visible* your going back now *takes her back to Nazarath* here you go

[Crimson Mistress]: You think I care?! *she hisses and kicks at [Tainted_blood]'s chins then slams her elbow into [Tainted_blood]'s gut. Twisting away fiercely, she freed herself and kept on running*

[Tainted_blood]: *appears infront of Crimson* You can run but u cant stay away for long *evil grin, picks up Crimson again* why are you running? We wont hurt you , you might even like it

[Crimson Mistress]: *sees [Tainted_blood]'s grin and her whole body tenses as she thrashes against the creature* I don't think I'll take that chance, thanks for the offer.

[Tainted_blood]: *keeps a hold on crimson with unhuman strength* no use tryin to get away again ... this time im prepared ... u dont seem to notice... I enjoy pain so it dont work *grin*

[Crimson Mistress]: *grows still, her breathing shallow* What do you want? *she asks reproachfully, her nails digging into [Tainted_blood]'s arm*

[Tainted_blood]: Well thats up to Nazarath now isnt it ... your his not mine *walks back towards nazarath* and u gotta stop with the nails ... it wont turn out too good for you... well it might hahaha

[Nazarath.93]: angel stop toying with her! if she wants to run let her i dont want help. and good luck running all that will happen is u run in circles in my black abyss that i have created! now angel drop her and let her run before i destroy you! and crimson im dreadfully sorry but a vampire has to feed. Dont worry you wont die tonight. and tomorrow this will all be a nightmare.

[Nazarath.93]: *turns into millions of bats and begins to circle around the center of the abyss*

[Tainted_blood]: *drops crimson and looks to Nazarath* oh come on! you never let me have fun...

[Crimson Mistress]: *recovers her balance quickly and looks up desperately, unable to keep her gaze on all the bats at once. She shifts her weight uneasily, again backing in to a tree, finding some consolation in its solidity.* You people are sick. *fun? she thought, maybe this is a nightmare.*

[Tainted_blood]: *walks towards Last December* this is all fun for nazarath but i want some too ...

[Nazarath.93]: FUN? thats why you want to help me. No stay away find your own mortal to do this to if you find it fun. *bats form into nazarath again, he begins to walk slowly toward crimson. then he raises his hand and crimson is pulled with a mystical force into nazaraths arms*

[Crimson Mistress]: *squirms uselessly, straining against [Nazarath.93], her hands braced against his chest as she tries to push him away*

[Nazarath.93]: *dips her head backwards and looks directly into her eyes and hypnotizing her so she cant move*

[Crimson Mistress]: *stops fighting, her breathing calming and steadying as she met his gaze. She loathed this helplessness but could do nothing* Why...? *she says, barely a whisper* 

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